Flakes of Folklore

You are welcomed to one of the most remote corners of the world through the unlikeliest of narrators — Iceland himself. In this storied land of rugged terrain, captivating history, and eternal folklore, we follow a local painter and two traveling skiers as they brave harsh elements, endless days, and ski in some of the world’s most breathtaking locations on Earth.

Director/DP/Producer: Matt Hardy
Post Production: TahoeMatt Media
Athletes: Marcus Caston, Mckenna Peterson
Script: Nick Myers
Effects: Edward Khoma

Location: Westfjords, Iceland
Shot On: RED Scarlet-W, Zeiss LensesQuartzline ND Filters

Stock 4K+ Video Clips Available for Licensing:

Watch The Film Below

REDirect | Explore 2016: Finalist

*Available on IcelandAir Flights 

Special thanks to: Outside Television, Adobe, G-Technology, Dell, f-stop, Carl Zeiss Lenses, and foolcontrol

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